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This video project is for our Educational Media Theory class. The topic of the video is focused on  the sensorimotor stage in Jean Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development. The sensorimotor stage occurs during the age period of 0-2, and is when children are growing physically and mentally. At this age they also begin to react certain ways to certain stimuli. In the video, it tells a story of a two year old named Timmy, who is getting into trouble at home while his parents are gone and he is left with an irresponsible babysitter. The video focuses on how Timmy’s senses get him into trouble around the house by using touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. With the help of Sadie Fitzsimons and Parris Bunker, I was able to complete this project. Be sure to check out their blogs here. Sadie – Parris –